On-Board Representative Service

For shipowners who lack a local representative in Brazil, managing operations smoothly and in full compliance with local regulations can be a daunting task. SafetyOceans Group LLC offers a solution with our On-Board Representative Service. We assign a dedicated agent to your vessel, who acts as your trusted on-board presence, ensuring your interests are safeguarded and that all operations are conducted efficiently.

Service Overview:

When you appoint SafetyOceans as your on-board representative, we provide a seasoned professional who takes on a role similar to that of a Port Captain. This agent is deeply involved in the daily workings of your vessel—not just as an observer, but as an active participant who supports the ship’s captain, manages operations, and ensures that every aspect of the voyage adheres to Brazilian regulations. They serve as your direct link to the vessel, providing you with the confidence that everything on board is being handled with care and expertise.

On-Board Operational Oversight

For shipowners without a local representative in Brazil, our On-Board Operational Oversight service is designed to act as your trusted eyes and ears. Our skilled agents are appointed as your official representative, stationed on board to ensure smooth and compliant operations.

Our On-Board Services Inlcude

  • Cargo Handling Supervision

  • Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

  • Maintenance Coordination

  • Crew Management Support

  • Emergency Response Coordination

  • Operational Reporting

  • Logistical Assistance

We are here to help you and safeguard your interests

With SafetyOceans®, your safety is our first priority. We become your eyes, ears, and on-board presence.