Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Zero Tolerance for Corruption

At SafetyOceans®, integrity is not just a value—it's the foundation of our business. We have zero tolerance for bribery or corruption in any form, under any circumstances. Our commitment to ethical conduct is unwavering, and we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards across all of our operations.

Our Ethical Stance

We believe that every transaction and interaction must be conducted with fairness and transparency. Bribery and corruption have no place in our business. This means that no one at SafetyOceans®—or any entity acting on our behalf—will offer, give, solicit, or accept bribes or any other form of improper incentives. This includes, but is not limited to, cash payments, gifts, services, favors, or any other benefits that could be perceived as an attempt to influence decision-making or gain an unfair advantage.

Strict Guidelines for Our Team

Every employee at SafetyOceans® is required to adhere to this policy without exception. We provide regular training to ensure that all team members can identify and avoid situations where bribery or corruption might occur. Internal controls and reporting mechanisms are in place to monitor compliance. If an employee encounters or suspects any form of bribery or corruption, they are obligated to report it immediately. Failure to report such activities will also result in disciplinary action.

Expectations for Partners and Third Parties

Our commitment to combating corruption extends beyond our internal operations. We expect all our partners, suppliers, contractors, and any third-party entities we engage with to share our dedication to ethical practices. Any partner or third party found to be engaging in bribery or corruption will face immediate and permanent termination of their contract with SafetyOceans®. Furthermore, we will not hesitate to pursue legal action against any party involved in corrupt activities, ensuring that justice is served.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Violations of this policy are met with the most severe consequences. For SafetyOceans® employees, involvement in bribery or corruption will result in immediate termination of employment, alongside legal proceedings that could lead to criminal charges. For partners or third parties, we will enforce the immediate cessation of all business dealings and initiate legal action to hold those responsible accountable under the law.

Reporting and Accountability

SafetyOceans® strongly encourages the reporting of any suspected bribery or corruption. Reports can be made confidentially or anonymously via our dedicated reporting channel at [email protected]. We guarantee that all concerns will be investigated thoroughly and impartially. Retaliation against anyone who reports in good faith is strictly forbidden and will itself be considered a serious violation of company policy.

Commitment to Integrity

At SafetyOceans®, our reputation is built on trust. By enforcing a zero-tolerance policy for bribery and corruption, we ensure that we remain a respected and reliable leader in the maritime industry. We are committed to upholding integrity in every action we take, protecting our clients, partners, and the values that define our company.